Space Metal Fantasy
Breath through your stomach. Fill yourself with Prana and feel the cosmic energy. Feel time slow down and speed up and allow the moment to stop inside you. Step outside of the holographic world around you. It is only the mental projection of a higher consciousness; it is trapped in a restless slumber that has lasted eons.
Can things imagined will themselves into reality? How strong are our minds? What if the caterpillar had willed itself into becoming the first butterfly? Could we do the same?
The award-winning Space Metal Fantasy is regarded as one of the best women’s park boards on the market. This very forgiving reverse camber shape provides a fun experience for intermediate riders looking to expedite the learning curve and take their riding to the next level. For 2015, we made it even better. The SMF has been upgraded with a reforestation certified core and Bitter End Deflection Tuning in the tip and tail for impact resistance. This series is fun for carving around the slopes, playing on features in the park, and even floats surprisingly well in powder. The SMF experience is an awesome one – guaranteed to send you through space and time.